NOTE: Feel free to play the web build to see what the game is like, but I highly recommend using the Windows build if you plan on doing runs. Also, the audio pitch is slightly buggy on the web build as it resets upon looping.
This is by far the best speedgame where you play as a suspiciously snail-shaped slug in a random cavern that was originally intended to be a speedrunner's worst nightmare. It was going to stay that way, but I accidentally started having fun playing it, so now it's semi-bearable.
HOWEVER, this game is still very challenging for a speedrunner. One must overcome completely random jump height, frame perfect inputs, unskippable cutscenes, softlocks and more. I wish you good luck.
Also, while you could play this casually, be warned that you will be sent to the very start upon every death. There are 8 short levels in total.
You can find all of the controls in the pause menu by pressing ESC or P.
Additionally, feel free to post your times on the community page! My unoptimised PB for the main game when uploading this is a 2:01.91 and my All Red Exits PB is a 1:27.68. These can easily be beaten! Also feel free to do an Any% run where you use both normal and red exits if certain exits are faster! Lastly, don't feel bad about using Jump Leniency!
If enough people run this, I will try to make a speedrun.com page!
Install instructions
Windows: Download the .exe and run it.
If you get a popup from Microsoft Defender SmartScreen, select More Info and then Run Anyway.